Statutory – Regulatory Framework

The Hellenic National Military Airworthiness Authority (HNMAA) is the competent authority of Greece, with the mandate to establish and supervise the statutory and regulatory framework of the airworthiness management system for the military aircraft of the country, in accordance with the national legal framework for the establishment and organisation of HNMAA (Legal Framework).

The regulatory framework is established through administrative acts of the HNMAA and its structure is illustrated in the following figure.

A key parameter is the requirement to harmonise the HNMAA framework with the European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) of the European Defence Agency (EDA). The decision to harmonise Greece with EMARs has been taken since 2014, following the formal acceptance of the EDA Basic Framework Document (BFD) for airworthiness by the Hellenic Minister of National Defence.

The Hellenic Military Airworthiness Regulations (ELMAR) are published in the Government Gazette, whilst the rest of the administrative acts are published at the “Transparency Program”.

All the HNMAA administrative acts are published and kept updated at the webpage “Library” of the HNMAA website.