According to the European Harmonised Military Airworthiness Basic Framework Document (BFD) of the European Defence Agency (EDA) member states, which Greece has accepted following the approval of the Hellenic Minister of National Defence in April 2014, sets out the basic framework for the airworthiness of military aircraft in the European Union, the development and adoption of a common airworthiness regulatory framework by member states, the role and functions of the EDA Military Airworthiness Authorities (MAWA) Forum, and the commitment of EDA member states to establish National Military Aviation / Airworthiness Authorities (MAA).
As part of the MAWA Forum road map for achieving common airworthiness harmonisation and certification procedures, the European Military Airworthiness Document – Recognition (EMAD R) has been developed to detail the proposed process that the member states are invited to follow, when they wish to proceed with the recognition – mutual or unilateral – of their airworthiness systems. The necessity – feasibility of adopting and using this text stems from the requirement to harmonise the different airworthiness regulatory frameworks in force in the EDA member states, with the aim of enhancing and improving the level of interoperability between them, as well as the adoption and implementation of common procedures for the certification and acceptance of military aeronautical products and related services between the member states.
The main purpose of EMAD R is to analyse and document a common approach, for all MAAs, in the field of airworthiness system assessment. This assessment is not limited to a single level and does not concern a single end result (pass or fail), as it is divided into different distinct levels and domains, with the possibility to select and apply part of them, depending on the requirement of the scope of the identification. The above partitioning and full coverage of all domains and levels is achieved through a “Military Authorities Recognition Question set (MARQ)” questionnaire. The MARQ is based on the ICAO Safety Oversight Manual (ICAO Doc 9734 – Safety Oversight Manual) and the ICAO Airworthiness Manual (ICAO Doc 9760 – Airworthiness Manual).
Within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and with the aim of ensuring the airworthiness of the aircraft belonging to the Organisation, as well as those made available by its member states for cooperation, co-training or operations, the NATO Airworthiness Policy (NAWP) has been developed and approved in July 2013 by the Council of the Organisation (NAC). The key principles of the policy stipulate that all aircraft made available for the benefit of the Organisation are required to be certified as airworthy by a NATO-recognised authority, inspected and maintained in accordance with approved design and maintenance airworthiness provisions, and the associated work performed by authorised persons applying approved procedures within approved or certified organisations by a NATO-recognised aviation / airworthiness authority.
MARQ has been adopted and is used as a key tool in the recognition process among the MAAs by almost all nations worldwide, as well as in the recognition of MAAs by NATO in the context of the implementation of the NATO Airworthiness Policy (NAWP).
Adoption of a Regulatory Framework for Recognitions by the HNMAA
In March 2022, HNMAA adopted EMAD R as the standard for the recognition of the national airworthiness system of military aircraft and other states’ MAAs [Internet Uploading Number (IUN) ΨHΚΡ6-Ξ02]
Recognitions of the Hellenic Armed Forces Airworthiness Assurance System by other States and Organisations
The process of initial recognition of the HNMAA by NATO (August 2022) and the Direction de la Sécurité Aéronautique d’État (DSAÉ) of France (September 2022), as well as the process of renewal of recognition by the United states Armed Forces MAAs (December 2022) has been completed. These recognitions are valid for 4 years from the date of issue of the respective Certificate of Recognition.
Recognitions of the Military Aircraft Airworthiness Assurance System of other States by HNMAA
The process of renewing the recognition of the United States Armed Forces MAAAs (U.S. Navy ACO, U.S. Air Force AFLCMC/EN-EZ, U.S. Army AED) (June 2023) and the initial recognitions of the French MAAAs [Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) and Direction de la Sécurité Aéronautique d’État (DSAÉ)] (October 2023) and of the Italian MAA [Direzione degli Armamenti Aeronautici e per l’Aeronavigabilità (DAAA) – IT/DAAA] (June 2024) by the HNMAA has been completed. The aforementioned recognitions were validated by the issuance of a Certificate of Recognition and are valid for a period of 4 years from the date of issuance of each certificate.
MAA Certificate of Recognition
The current Certificates of Recognition of the HNMAA by other ΜΑΑs and organisations, as well as the ΜΑΑs of other countries by the HNMAA, are listed here.