Regulatory framework for the Certification of Aeronautical Products
Pending the adoption of the relevant national airworthiness regulatory framework (ELMAR 21), the HNMAA manages the certification of aeronautical products in accordance with the European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) issued by the European Defence Agency (EDA), namely the latest edition of EMAR 21 “Certification of Military Aircraft and Related Products, Parts and Appliances, And Design and Production Organisation”, the relevant accepted means of compliance and guidance material (EMAR 21 AMC & GM), as well as the relevant EMAR 21 Implementation Guide.
Type Certificates
The operational use of a military aircraft by the Hellenic Armed Forces requires that the aircraft type in question has been certified for airworthiness, i.e. has obtained a Military Type Certificate (MTC) from the HNMAA or another military or civil aviation / airworthiness authority, recognised by the HNMAA. This certificate certifies that the aircraft type meets the national airworthiness requirements established by the HNMAA.
In addition to the aircraft, a type certificate is issued for other aeronautical products, namely engines and propellers.
Initial Certification Procedure (Type Certification)
The four steps of the process for issuing a Military Type Certificate are:
- Technical Familiarity and Certification Basis
The organisation desiring and applying for type certification of the aeronautical product, that it designs and develops, shall present the development program to the HNMAA, when it is deemed to have reached a sufficient degree of maturity. The HNMAA shall define an appropriate team for certification, and the set of rules to be applied for the certification of the product type concerned (Certification Basis – CB).
- Development of a Certification Programme
The HNMAA and the applicant shall define and agree on the means of compliance of the type of the product regarding every requirement of the Certification Basis. The proposed certification programme shall include as a minimum:
- A description of the product and its expected operational use.
- The proposed airworthiness requirements in accordance with the Certification Specification.
- The description of the means to demonstrate compliance with the Certification Basis.
- A list of compliance for each airworthiness requirement.
- The level of involvement of the HNMAA.
- The key milestones of the certification programme.
- Proof of Compliance
Upon acceptance of the Certification Programme, the applicant shall demonstrate the product’s compliance with the regulatory requirements and the Certification Basis. Compliance is documented by the applicant through studies, analyses, laboratory tests, operational ground tests, test flights, etc. Throughout the certification process, the HNMAA shall carry out the compliance check by means of thorough preliminary inspections, analyses, reviews of the justification material, as well as through the participation of its personnel as observers in the ground inspections and test flights.
- Evaluation of documentation and issuance of a certificate
After the HNMAA is technically satisfied with the demonstration of compliance and it is documented that the aircraft type complies with the applicable certification basis, the HNMAA shall complete the investigation and issue the Military Type Certificate (MTC).
The procedure for the issuance of a Military Type Certificate by the HNMAA is illustrated in the following flowchart.
HNMAA Forms for the issuance of Type Certificate
Certificates of Airworthiness
According to article 3 of the Presidential Decree 85/2020 (Government Gazette A’198), each military aircraft must have a Military Certificate of Airworthiness (MCofA), in order to take off and perform a flight.
The Military Certificate of Airworthiness certifies that the aircraft complies with the Type Design approved by the Military Type Certificate of the aircraft.
The Military Certificate of Airworthiness:
- Is issued by the HNMAA for each individual aircraft registered in the Hellenic Armed Forces Aircraft Register (HAFAR).
- Remains in effect, and it is verified through inspections and surveys of the aircraft.
HNMAA Forms for the issuance of a Certificate of Airworthiness
Certification of Modifications / Repairs
For the certification of major changes (modifications / repairs) to certified aeronautical products, a procedure similar to the procedure for the certification of aeronautical products shall be followed.
HNMAA Forms for the approval of major changes
Recognition of Certificates
The HNMAA may recognise and validate type certificates and certificates of airworthiness issued by competent military or civil aviation / airworthiness authorities for military aeronautical products designed by foreign design organisations, in accordance with the applicable recognition conditions of HNMAA for those authorities.
Special fees
For the issuance of Military Type Certificates (MTC) and Military Certificates of Airworthiness (MCofA) the payment of special fees is required.
Information on the amount and procedure for payment of these fees can be found here.