Design and production organisations for military aeronautical products, parts and non-installed equipment are required to meet the essential airworthiness requirements specified in Presidential Decree 85/2020 (Government Gazette A’198). These organisations are required to demonstrate to the HNMAA that they have appropriate organisation, procedures, resources and staff qualifications.
Regulatory Framework for Airworthiness Requirements
Pending the issuance of the relevant national airworthiness regulatory framework (ELMAR 21), the HNMAA manages the approvals of design / production organisations in accordance with the European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) issued by the European Defence Agency (EDA), and in particular the latest versions of EMAR 21 Subpart J and G for design and production organisations respectively, the relevant accepted means of compliance and guidance material (EMAR 21 AMC & GM), as well as the relevant EMAR 21 Implementation Guide.
Basic Requirements for the Approval of a Design Organisation
The design organisation is required to demonstrate that it has established and is able to maintain a design assurance system, to control and oversee the design, as well as the design modifications, of the products, components and equipment it wishes to design.
The design organisation is required to have a handbook describing its organisation, associated procedures and the products or modifications and repairs to the products it intends to design.
Procedure for the Approval of a Design Organisation
The procedure for the issuance of Design Organisation Approval by the HNMAA includes the following 5 phases:
- Submission of an application to the HNMAA and establishment of the design organisation approval team.
- Initial review of the Design Organisation Exposition.
- Detailed analysis of the Design Organisation Exposition.
- On-site checks of the processes of the Design Organisation.
- Issuance of the Approval.
The process for the granting of Design Organisation Approval by the HNMAA is illustrated in the following flowchart.
HNMAA Forms for the Approval of a Design Organisation
Basic Requirements for the Approval of a Production Organisation
The production organisation is required to demonstrate that it has established and is able to maintain a quality system, which ensures that each product, part or equipment it produces complies with the applicable design data and meets the conditions for safe operation.
The production organisation is required to have a manual describing its organisation, quality system and associated production procedures.
Procedure for the Approval of a Production Organisation
The procedure for the issuance of a Production Organisation Approval by the HNMAA includes phases similar to the approval of a design organisation.
The procedure for the granting of a Production Organisation Approval by the HNMAA is illustrated in the following flowchart.
HNMAA Forms for the Approval of a Production Organisation
Special fees
For the granting of approvals to design / production organisations the payment of special fees is required.
Information on the amount and procedure for payment of these fees can be found here.