The airworthiness assurance of an aircraft or other aeronautical product requires that its design has been carried out to international standards and that it continuously complies with the airworthiness requirements issued by the competent aviation/airworthiness authorities.
The Initial & Continued Airworthiness defines the requirements and procedures associated with the initial design and certification of the airworthiness of the aircraft or other aeronautical product (Initial Airworthiness), and changes to the initial design due to modifications or repairs that occur during its life (Continued Airworthiness).
The Initial & Continued Airworthiness requirements for military aeronautical products are derived from the basic airworthiness requirements set out in the Presidential Decree 85/2020 (Government Gazette A’198). These requirements are specified in the ELMAR 21 (under development), which is based on the relevant European airworthiness requirements for military aircraft issued by the European Defence Agency (ELMAR 21), as well as other relevant administrative acts of the HNMAA.
The main activities covered by the Initial & Continued Airworthiness are:
- the certification of the design of a new type of aircraft or other aeronautical product,
- the certification of the airworthiness of an individual aircraft or other aeronautical product after production,
- the certification of the design of components and non-installed equipmentthe compliance of design and production organisations with airworthiness requirements,
- the approval of changes to the approved design of aircraft or other aeronautical products due to modification and repair requirements,
- the issuance of a Military Permit to Fly (MPtF) to aircrafts that do not meet or have not been shown to meet the applicable airworthiness requirements, but are nevertheless capable of safe flight under specified conditions and limitations.