Aircraft Registry – Other Registers

According to article 3 of Presidential Decree 85/2020 (Government Gazette A’198), in order to take off and perform a flight, every aircraft of the Hellenic Armed Forces must be registered in the Hellenic Armed Forces Aircraft Register (HAFAR) of the HNMAA.

The Department of Register and Training of the HNMAA is responsible for the maintenance and management of the HAFAR, in which the UAS of the certified category are also registered.

The process for the registration of military aircraft and UAS in the register, as well as the way of keeping and managing the register, are defined in details in the Regulation 47“ Hellenic Armed Forces Aircraft Register” . For the implementation of the Regulation, the HNMAA standard forms Series 1000 have been established by a Decision of the HNMAA Commander, which can be found here.

In addition, the Department of Register and Training of the HNMAA maintains and manages registers, through appropriate software:

  • Engines and propellers.
  • Approved organisations for the design and manufacture of products, parts and appliances.
  • Approved organisations for the maintenance of products, parts and appliances.
  • Approved organisations for the training of maintenance personnel for products, parts and appliances.
  • Licensed product, component and appliance maintenance personnel.
  • Qualified organisations to which the HNMAA delegates the carrying out of certification and oversight activities or projects.
  • Airworthiness auditors.