Organisational Structure

The Authority shall be structured as follows:


Deputy Commander

Directorate of Airworthiness Policy – Regulations – Registers

The Directorate of Airworthiness Policy – Regulations – Registers is composed of the following Departments:

  1. Department of Airworthiness Regulations, which has the following responsibilities:
  • Develops the Hellenic Military Airworthiness Regulations (ELMAR) and ensures they are amended whenever required;
  • Proposes to the Commander on exemptions and deviations in the provisions of the ELMAR, following a reasoned request by the General Staffs or other organisations;
  • Cooperates with the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA), the airworthiness authorities of other countries and international organisations in the formulation of common provisions in the airworthiness regulations, where appropriate.
  1. Department of International Relations and Recognitions, which has the following responsibilities:
  • Represents the Hellenic Ministry of National Defence in international organisations and bilateral or multilateral partnerships pertinent to aircraft airworthiness issues;
  • Identifies the necessity – feasibility of mutual or unilateral recognition of airworthiness authorities of other countries and ensures the implementation of the relevant procedures;
  • Submits proposals to the Commander regarding the recognition of the airworthiness authorities of other countries, the certificates they issue for products, parts and appliances and the approvals they issue to design, production, maintenance and maintenance personnel training organisations.
  1. Department of Registers and Training, which has the following responsibilities:
  • Maintains the registers of aircraft and other aeronautical products and checks the documentation and the conditions required for registration in them;
  • Ensures the initial and follow-on continuous training of the Authority staff, so that they are able to adequately perform the assigned duties;
  • Ensures the training and education of the staff of the Hellenic Armed Forces on airworthiness subjects.

Directorate of Continued Airworthiness

The Directorate of Continued Airworthiness is composed of the following Departments:

  1. Department of Certification of Aeronautical Products, Parts and Appliances, which has the following responsibilities:
  • Determines the type certification basis, the type design of products, and also the type certification basis of parts, appliances and non-installed equipment.
  • The responsibility mentioned herein above is also exercised in the case that an amendment to the military type certificate or to the military supplemental type certificate is required;
  • Issues the military type certificates and the military supplemental type certificates of products and issues any relevant amendments thereto when required;
  • Revokes or suspends the validity of military type certificates and military supplemental type certificates of products, in cases where the conditions based on which they have been issued, are not met;
  • Issues the airworthiness certificates of aircraft;
  • Grants the design approvals of parts and appliances, based on guidelines of technical standards;
  • Issues airworthiness directives, when required;
  • Issues the permits to fly;
  • Formulates opinions on airworthiness issues, at the request of HMoND General Directorate of Defence Investments and Armaments (GDDIA) and the General Staffs of the Hellenic Armed Forces, within the framework of preparation and implementation of procurement contracts for military aeronautical equipment and services;
  • Cooperates with the competent services of the General Staffs of the Hellenic Armed Forces and the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) on flight safety issues following events, incidents and accidents involving aircraft, relating to continued airworthiness issues.
  1. Department of Design and Production Organisations Approvals and Oversight, which has the following responsibilities:
  • Verifies compliance with the airworthiness requirements of design and production organisations of products, parts and appliances, by granting or renewing the relevant approvals;
  • Oversees the organisations to which it has granted approvals for the design and production of products, parts and appliances, by carrying out audits and inspections, recording any possible deviations from the terms of approval and monitoring the course of their rectification;
  • Revokes or suspends the validity of approvals of design and production organisations of products, parts and appliances, when the conditions, based on which they were granted, are not met.

Directorate of Continuing Airworthiness

The Directorate of Continuing Airworthiness is composed of the following Departments:

  1. Department of Aeronautical Products, Parts and Appliances Review and Maintenance Organisations Oversight, which has the following responsibilities:
  • Ensures through audits that the maintenance of products, parts and appliances by the maintenance organisations meet the continuing airworthiness requirements;
  • Renews the aircraft airworthiness certificates;
  • Suspends the validity or revokes the aircraft airworthiness certificates, when the conditions, based on which they have been issued, are not met;
  • Verifies compliance with airworthiness requirements of maintenance organisations for products, parts and appliances, granting or renewing the necessary approvals;
  • Oversees the organisations to which it has granted approvals for the maintenance of products, parts and appliances, carrying out audits and inspections, recording any possible deviations from the terms of approval and monitoring the course of their rectification;
  • Revokes or suspends the validity of approvals of maintenance organisations of products, parts and appliances, when the conditions, based on which they have been granted, are not met.
  • Cooperates with the competent services of the General Staffs of the Hellenic Armed Forces and of the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) on flight safety issues following events, incidents and accidents involving aircraft and other products, parts, appliances and non-installed equipment relating to continuing airworthiness issues.
  1. Department of Personnel Licences and Training Organisations Approvals and Oversight, which has the following responsibilities:
  • Issues the licences of the maintenance personnel of products, parts or appliances and suspends their validity or revokes them, in cases when the conditions, based on which they were granted, are not met;
  • Verifies compliance with airworthiness requirements of maintenance personnel training organisations, granting or renewing the relevant approvals;
  • Oversees the organisations to which it has granted approvals for the maintenance personnel training, carrying out audits and inspections, recording any possible deviations from the terms of approval and monitoring the course of their rectification;
  • Revokes the validity or suspends the approvals of maintenance personnel training organisations, in cases when the conditions, based on which they were granted, are not met;
  • Approves and supervises the maintenance personnel training programmes and evaluation methods.

Independent Department of Legal Support

The Independent Department of Legal Support is under the direct authority of the Commander and is responsible for providing legal advice, opinions and legal support to the Authority. In particular:

  • It is responsible for the legal review of the draft regulatory documents submitted by the Authority Directorates;
  • It provides opinions on specific legal issues pertinent to the Authority responsibilities, following relevant inquiries by the Authority Directorates.

Independent Department of Administration

The Independent Department of Administration is under the direct authority of the Commander and exercises the following responsibilities:

  • Handles all incoming and outgoing correspondence and keeps any books and forms as prescribed in applicable orders;
  • Deals with the Authority staff administrative matters;
  • Performs secretariat support duties for the Airworthiness Council.